Front-End Development

Front-End Development

We at Kin Techno World ensure that all your website are easily accessible - perfectly valid and give that flawless user experience..!!! Recently released HTML5 and CSS3 along with exponential number of mobile/web browsers coming in to market day in and day out make front-end development a big challenge. We are well aware that testing process including either fluid and/or static layouts is a time consuming task and UI designing and coding will have its own impact on SEO part.

Therefore our experts mainly focus on:
  • Complex animations
  • Custom HTML5 video players
  • Ethical search engine optimization
  • HTML5 gaming and interactivity
  • Load speed optimization
  • Maintainability
  • Mobile-ready, responsive web development
  • Multi-browser-compatibility
  • Parallax scrolling
  • Pure CSS layouts
  • Semantic XHTML or HTML 5
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript
  • User experience
  • CSS
  • Object Oriented Jquery-Javascript programming
  • Combining JavaScript files and Minify
  • Minimizing the HTTP requests through CSS Sprites
  • Image optimization up to 90%.